
Founded in 1959, the Roosje Pierson Fonds is a fund from the legacy of H.D. Pierson

About Roosje Pierson

The H.D. Pierson Family Fund was founded in 1959 by aunt Roosje Pierson on behalf of descendants of her grandparents Pierson-Gildemeester and Van Goudoever-Mendes de Leon.

The fund's initial capital came from the legacy of her father, H.D. Pierson.

Later, amounts were added by other relatives of Roosje Pierson.

The fund is also referred to as the Tante Roosje Fund or the Pierson Family Fund.


The board of the foundation is formed by descendants of the aforementioned grandparents. The fund's returns are modest.

  • Chairman Jan Hendrik van Dorp
  • Secretary Lucas van Rossem
  • Treasurer Pieter Smit

The board applies the following criteria for granting an allowance:

EAn application must relate to financial support for an immediate family member for a training or a project that constitutes a 'stepping stone' for a future job.

An application must be substantiated by a plan substantiating the requested contribution, including a financial substantiation by means of a budget that also clearly indicates what the personal contribution will be.

As a guideline, contributions are made in the range of EUR 1,000-2,000 per application. In special cases, the contribution can be spread over more than one year, or it can be provided in the form of a loan.

If you think you have a project that could qualify for a grant from the fund, do not hesitate to contact the secretary of the board by e-mail, or one of the other board members! If there are enthusiastic ideas for family days, the fund is willing to consider supporting them.

Application by mail

Roosje Pierson Fonds © 2024

Roosje Pierson Fonds